Crocheted Sheep (Small) - motif 1

An adorable little sheep that is looking for a new best friend More

Product code: F_kd37_22

50 € incl. VAT
Out of stock

Crocheted Sheep (Small) - motif 1

The world seems so much bigger for little children but together with our crocheted sheep, kids can take that first tiny step to independence. It’s squishy, huggable and a safe companion for indoor or outdoor playtime. It has long arms and legs that make it fit even a small hand perfectly.

This snuggly sheep is crocheted with amazing attention to detail by an energetic designer in Czech Republic. We say energetic because one doll can take up to 12 hours of work -- phew! It contains small plastic parts and is suitable for children from 3 years old. It also makes a great gift for people of any age. This toy is 27 cm long.

The current hand-made little sheep in stock doesn´t have little wooden decoration on belly and her ribbon around the neck is dark pink with white dots. 

Our tip

See the whole flock of crocheted sheep below, or other cuddly animals on our Toys section.


Czech store. Czech artist. Czech gift. 


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